Quality in Chiropractic Practice (KviK)

Quality in Chiropractic Practice is the chiropractors' quality function. Its primary purpose is to support chiropractors’ work in strengthening and developing the quality of chiropractic practice.

Quality in Chiropractic Practice (KviK)

KviK consists of four quality consultants who work primarily on developing and implementing a new quality model. The quality model should build on existing knowledge and experience with quality development in chiropractic practice.

KviK collaborates with quality units in other areas of the healthcare sector and participates as an observer in WICC (WONCA International Classification Committee). WICC works with classification systems, especially ICPC, which we use in Denmark for diagnostic coding in chiropractic practice and other parts of the primary sector.


KviK must establish a quality model for further work on quality and quality development in chiropractic practice, which replaces accreditation in the Danish Quality Model. Currently, KviK is working on a number of areas that are intended to support the quality model. 

Experience gathering

Diagnosis coding

Discharge summary and correspondence messages


Medical record keeping

Patient satisfaction survey (PoKK 2023)

Unintended events (UTH)

Patient reported information (PRO)

Cluster concept

Read the latest news about quality in chiropractic practice

Do you have any questions about quality in chiropractic practice?

Contact us at kvik@kiroviden.sdu.dk